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My Work

as the MP for Ayr Carrick & Cumnock 2015-17

For me, being an MP was about serving the people of my constituency. It is here in Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock that real change can be made, and it is where I tried to focus my energy. However it is an honour to represent my constituents in Westminster and make your voices heard.


Data from Westminster has shown that SNP MPs consistently contribute more to Parliamentary process than Labour and the Conservatives. In March 2017, SNP MPs took part in an average of 8 debates, while Labour and Tory MPs contributed to just 5 each. From 2015-16 SNP MPs spoke in an average of 61 debates with their Labour predecessors taking part in just 27 – less than half – in 2014-15. These figures give a snapshot of the dedication of the SNP to the Scottish people and show that we will continue to fight for our constituents while others do not.

See how I have voted in Parliament on key issues

Find out about my work in the constituency and in Parliament



I have spoken in numerous debates, including on:


  • Term-time leave

  • Alzheimers and dementia

  • BT service standards

  • Donald Trump

  • Tax credits for working families

  • Carers

  • Universal Credit

  • Cost of public transport 

  • Crohns and colitis

  • The dairy sector

  • Tourism and the impact of Brexit

  • Digital Equipment pension scheme - a debate which I secured

  • Mobility cars

  • Under-occupancy penalty

  • Sanctions

  • Benefits

  • The future of local news provision

  • Personal Independence Payments

  • Publicly accessible amenities for disabled people

  • Education and social mobility

  • Nuisance calls

  • Childcare

  • Welfare reform




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